Happy Family Board Game
Mango Tree Uganda developed a board game together with the other partners and stakeholder of the EaTSANE project. The Happy Family Board Game combines key lessons from participatory action research that researchers across all work packages developed. The goal of the board game is to show the interconnectedness of decisions in agriculture, nutrition and value chains in a playful way.

The Happy Family Board Game is designed for farming households and school students in Uganda and Kenya. The game can be used as a starting point for training and education activities to open up discussion between the game participants. To create a strong learning outcome, we recommend an experienced moderator to facilitate the playing of the game and related discussions around sustainable farming, marketing and nutrition practices.
To learn how to facilitate and play the EaTSANE Board Game, you can have a look at the instruction leaflet or watch this video (download):

The Happy Family board game has been tested in cooperation with the Africa – Nairobi Hub of the Bioversity International and CIAT Alliance for Food Environment and Consumer Behaviour. For more information have a look at this blog.
During the pre-conference workshop Soil, plant health and consumer practices - how is it linked to agroecology? at the Tropentag 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic, experts and scientists from various displines had a chance to experience how a board game can promote agroecolgy. For more information click here.
For information or guidance on using the game in your work, please contact Dr. Irmgard Jordan or Dr. Thomas Hilger.
Full sets of the Board Game are available at Egerton University, Kenya and Makerere University; Uganda. Please contact Prof. Lydiah Waswa for Kenya or Prof. Johnny Mugisha for Uganda.
Further instructions how to play the game and a webinar that addresses users' questions will follow.
The board game is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.
The Happy Family Boardgame is available freely for download:
Game board | Opportunity-disaster cards | Team board | Instruction leaflet